Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Funny Video... ending? ha

What a funny ending. I really like this guys stuff though. Like this is really cool!

Same song. Acoustic! Equally cool.

So this guy does everything. It's really cool. and he does a lot of stuff for charities and other good causes. Anyway, very creative and unique guy.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Sunday, January 24, 2010


My favorite person in the whole entire world! She thinks she is funny sometimes.. which she is! Um.. but she likes pretty boys and clothes and shoes.. fashion, and Conner, and her wonderful mother, her family, books(Twilight), traveling, music, photography, God, wine, school(ha ha not!), barbies, summer, faeries, sunflowers, shopping, movies, stuffed animals(RIP Pig), real animals(moxi and sheba), art, sushi, hanging out, and having fun. But not necessarily in that order exactly, of course. She has like six different smiles: all depending on her mood(and all beautiful by the way). And her nose does this thing sometimes when she smiles and it like scrunches up... it is cute. anyway. She is beautiful... and my girlfriend. and i like her a lot.
Hey Steve!
Hope I didn't leave too much out!


Folk music is awesome as it is. But when you blend it with indie.. you get an incredible sound. Not just this band but others like Fleet Foxes and Alela Diane have changed the sound of folk for the better. These siblings, who are strait out of Aussie, also combine art with their music! As you will soon see in the above video.. ha ha. So enjoy the wonderful voices of Angus and Julia Stone!


So this definately my new favorite old song... Ha ha that kind of actually made sense! Anyway, this recording was made in 1998 is from the album Panda Bear. They say this is one of the rare first recordings of this band.. It's basically awesome. So listen and enjoyy!!

Monday, January 18, 2010


YES you may judge them by their picture... they are strange. And so is their music. Clean repetitive guitar riffs that are fun to dance too. I don't know but they are good. Look up Olympic Airways and you shouldn't regret it.


Definately check this one out. Folky with lots of harmonizing. Not always just a lead singer showing off you know. So I guess there's not much to say but they're awesome. Oh and I mean all their stuff is likeable but maybe listen to Mykonos or He Doesn't Know Why.. or White Winter Hymnal is their most famous I think.